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Jonas Joseph LaValley (American, 1858 - 1930)

(  aka  J.J. LaValley  )

Gallery of Jonas Joseph LaValley Paintings:

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  • Jonas Joseph LaValley (American, 1858 - 1930)

Jonas Joseph LaValley, an artist with a unique and compelling style, presents a collection of artwork for sale that captures the imagination with its bold use of color and form. His pieces, ranging from abstract compositions to more figurative works, are known for their dynamic energy and emotional depth, making them a captivating addition for any collector or admirer of contemporary art. In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Jonas Joseph LaValley. Contact Us

Jonas Joseph LaValley, an artist with a unique and compelling style, presents a collection of artwork for sale that captures the imagination with its bold use of color and form. His pieces, ranging from abstract compositions to more figurative works, are known for their dynamic energy and emotional depth,...   More

In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Jonas Joseph LaValley. Contact Us