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Leon Moran (American, 1864 - 1941)

(  aka  John Leon Moran  )

Gallery of Leon Moran Paintings:

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  • Leon Moran (American, 1864 - 1941)

Leon Moran, a distinguished artist of the Victorian era, offers an exquisite collection of paintings for sale, featuring intricate domestic scenes and genteel portraits that capture the period's refined aesthetics. His works are celebrated for their attention to detail, rich color palette, and the graceful depiction of everyday life, making them a valuable and charming addition for collectors and admirers of Victorian art. In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Leon Moran. Contact Us

Leon Moran, a distinguished artist of the Victorian era, offers an exquisite collection of paintings for sale, featuring intricate domestic scenes and genteel portraits that capture the period's refined aesthetics. His works are celebrated for their attention to detail, rich color palette, and the graceful...   More

In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Leon Moran. Contact Us