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Art Lovers' Niche - Nov 23, 2020

Art Lovers' Niche

"Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life." - John Lubbock

Lucien Whiting Powell - Sunlit Creek through the Woods


Edward Norton (E.N.) Griffith - Presidential Trompe L'Oeil


Charles Linford - Path to the Creek


Otto Sommer - Deer at Dusk


Harry Herman Roseland - Her Future from the Cards


David John Gue


Adrien - Louis Bruneau - Mice


How owning 19th century paintings can make you happy. It just does. Well yes, but there is a bit more to it than that. You are in charge of your own happiness and if you have art on your walls it's there for a reason. You liked it, you bought, and you were happy that you did. Your "collection" may consist of a single piece or many. It may be a mix of the old and the new. We personally find most abstract art, all the "posts"—post-impression, post-expressionism, post-modernism and most non-representational art, a little too distracting. The compositions and colors may be wonderful and if all you are searching for are the decorative effects of color, then representational depictions of people, places and things are secondary. It is a matter of personal taste, and you have your own reasons for purchasing them. However, do not rule out those exquisite 19th century gems—they add depth, another layer to your "mystique". And that can make you happy.

Lucien Whiting Powell - Sunlit Creek through the Woods


Edward Norton (E.N.) Griffith - Presidential Trompe L'Oeil


Benjamin F. Hawley - Fall Landscape


Edward Moran - Breakers at Sunset


Jules Frederic Ballavoine - Penning a Love Letter


Eugene Alonzo Poole - Sheep Ranch, Green County, Pennsylvania


Charles Courtney Curran - Cloud Surf


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