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Samuel W. Griggs (American, 1827 - 1898)

(  aka  SW. Griggs  )

Gallery of Samuel W. Griggs Paintings:

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  • Samuel W. Griggs (American, 1827 - 1898)

Samuel W. Griggs, an American landscape painter known for his depictions of the natural beauty of the American West, presents a captivating collection of paintings that celebrate the vast landscapes and rugged terrain of the region. His artworks often feature stunning vistas, rugged mountains, and serene wilderness scenes, capturing the essence of the Western frontier. Griggs' paintings are highly sought after by collectors and admirers of Western art and are available for sale through select art galleries, auctions, and online platforms, offering an opportunity to own a piece of his iconic Western landscapes. In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Samuel W. Griggs. Contact Us

Samuel W. Griggs, an American landscape painter known for his depictions of the natural beauty of the American West, presents a captivating collection of paintings that celebrate the vast landscapes and rugged terrain of the region. His artworks often feature stunning vistas, rugged mountains, and serene...   More

In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Samuel W. Griggs. Contact Us