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Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon (American 1830 - 1906)

Gallery of Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon Paintings:

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  • Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon (American 1830 - 1906)

Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon's Victorian art captures the essence of the era with its intricate details and evocative scenes. While specific information about paintings for sale by Hodgdon may vary, collectors and enthusiasts of Victorian art can explore his works through galleries, auctions, and online platforms to add a touch of Victorian elegance to their collections. Hodgdon's art offers a glimpse into the beauty and nostalgia of the Victorian era, making it a sought-after addition to art collections. In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon. Contact Us

Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon's Victorian art captures the essence of the era with its intricate details and evocative scenes. While specific information about paintings for sale by Hodgdon may vary, collectors and enthusiasts of Victorian art can explore his works through galleries, auctions, and online...   More

In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Sylvester Phelps Hodgdon. Contact Us